Happy to see the article in today's Irish Times about my good friend and producer Nigel Swann - the man who brought Annie Leibovitz to Ireland! Also includes my portrait of Nigel and his co-producer Maria Walsh which we shot last week... as well as some other pictures of mine. You can read the article here
11 Jan 14
Filming in Connemara today. Beautiful light.
John Rocha in Thread
17 Dec 13
Happy to see my photo and interview with John Rocha in the latest edition of Thread magazine.
12 Dec 13
In Nottingham for my daughter Violet's graduation. Well done Vi!
Peace Wall
10 Dec 13
On a recce in Belfast and stopped to take a picture of this so called "Peace Wall" which divides the Catholic/Nationalist Falls area from Protestant/Unionist Shankhill. According to Wikipedia there are now 48 Peace Walls, though friends tell me there are many more - and more than at any time during the Troubles. I will have to investigate.
07 Dec 13
A short piece I made for the Love/Hate Coola Boola Xmas hat charity fundraiser. All funds raised will be donated to the Peter McVerry Trust and Sport Against Racsim Ireland (SARI - the NGO that I chair).
Ellie Goulding
05 Dec 13
Shooting Ellie Goulding in London.
21 Nov 13
Wonderful Avedon show at the Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills. Some huge black and white prints (originally shown at The Met in NY in 1978), one wall with over forty smaller prints as well as a wall of contacts and an alcove of never-seen-before colour transparencies. This image is of Cheryl Crane, daughter of actress Lana Turner, who Avedon photographed in 1963 after she was exonerated for the killing of her mother's abusive boyfriend.
Avedon 2
21 Nov 13
Another image from Avedon's 'Women' exhibition at The Gagosian in Beverly Hills. I've always loved his 'In The American West' series and it was a big influence on 'Pony Kids', but then Avedon has always been an influence (worth mentioning August Sander and Diane Arbus here too!). I remember going to photograph/interview Diana Vreeland in the Costume Institute at The Met in my school holidays, Easter 1979. After doing the interview Diana Vreeland picked up the phone, rang "Dick" (Avedon) and said, "there's a cute young English photographer here you have to meet". Yikes! Fortunately/unfortunately Avedon was going to China the next day and couldn't meet. However, I did manage to pick up a signed copy of 'Avedon: photographs 1944-1977' - which had been published the previous year to coincide with a retrospective at the Met - and have treasured it ever since. Great to see some of the prints from that exhibition at The Gagosian. The only time I came closer to meeting Avedon was when we brushed shoulders at Galway airport - a portacabin at the time - in the late Eighties or early Nineties. By the time I realised it was him he had gone. A giant.